Services & How It Works
What we offer
- A cost effective and convenient post mortem service for cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and camelids (including abortions for these species);
- Forensic examinations;
- Herd and Flock Health Planning;
- Advisory farm visits (cattle and sheep only);
- Speaking on farm animal health diseases and prevention;
- Expert Witness Work for indemnity claims and potential court cases (e.g. animal welfare allegations, TB issues, etc.)
- Training on:
- Post mortem technique (vets only);
- Sampling (vets only);
- Practical introduction to livestock farming;
How it works
Post mortem services
Please contact Guda van der Burgt MRCVS on 07900 904 193 or Craig Bowness on 07976 617 320 if you wish to arrange a post-mortem +/- carcase collection and disposal in Gloucestershire and surrounding counties, and leave a contact telephone number. If Craig is unable to pick up the carcase(s) for any reason, you can drop off at the site by prior arrangement only (min. 2 hours notice 07900 904 193). Once you have arranged pick up or drop off we will try to contact you to obtain a history.
Post mortems will be carried out usually on the same day or early the next morning.
You may be asked if you wish to submit samples for additional testing. You and your vet will receive a report detailing the findings and suggested actions.
Invoicing for carcase collection and disposal is through Bowness Farming, invoicing for post mortem will be either through your vet or direct.